Come as God made you.

Our stance on the inclusion of people who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community and our view of same-sex marriage. 

Is everyone welcomed and included at Crossroads?

As Jesus welcomed all people into his loving presence, we fully welcome and include people who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community into the life and ministries of Crossroads Church of Fayetteville. We believe that all people, gay, straight, confident, confused, married, or single, are divine image-bearers, saved by the grace of Jesus, and are wholly capable of living a life that is honoring to God.

What is Crossroad’s stance on same-sex marriage?

In a culture where fewer people see value in marriage, we celebrate when a couple wants to commit their lives to one another in marriage; especially when a married couple seeks to commit their relationship to God. Although, as a United Methodist Church, we currently lack the authority to conduct same-sex marriage ceremonies, we pray for the blessing and health of all marriages. 

But doesn’t the Bible condemn same-sex relationships?

In the Bible, there are a few references to sexual activity between people of the same sex. Though these passages speak negatively about same-sex activities, each of the passages is situated in a context that makes the statements culturally specific or problematically vague. Some Christians have stretched these verses to condemn faithful same-sex relationships. When given the option to live out God’s growing grace as displayed throughout the Bible, or to lean on the limited textual arguments that unnecessarily exclude people from God’s good gifts, we choose growing grace and inclusion. 

Is Crossroads saying that sexual ethics don’t matter?

Nope. We agree with Scripture in affirming that marriage is the safe and proper place for sexual intimacy. We hold a high view of marriage and believe that God gives us a sexual ethic to live by for our own good. Sexual activity outside of marriage often leads to undesired consequences. We affirm that the world is better when people conform their lives to the faithful love of God.

What if someone doesn’t agree with this church’s stance?

“Agreeing with people is not what makes a community, loving people is what makes a community.” 

At Crossroads, grace-filled disagreement is always okay. Creating a culture where people must agree 100% of the time is typically unhealthy. As long as we all agree to live with respect and love towards one another, we can disagree about this topic and still grow in our shared Christian faith. We believe that God has called us to be a church that fully includes people who identify as a part of the LGBTQ community and to be a church that blesses same-sex marriages. Our goal is to be a church that is unified in its dedication to Jesus, even if there are disagreements on specific doctrines.

A practical plan for us all to follow 

Out of mutual respect for one another, and as a commitment to being a unified church, we set forth the following guidelines. 

DO treat all people with respect and with the welcoming spirit in which God welcomes us. 

DO seek to form meaningful friendships with people who are different from you. 

USE thoughtfulness and grace when engaging in theological conversations about human sexuality. 

DO NOT forget that we are all imperfect people, doing our best and learning along the way.

About children and youth 

In our kids-church program, there are no curriculum plans that discuss sex or human sexuality. Our goal is to partner with parents to teach the foundational truths of the Christian faith and the virtues of the Christian life. In Kids Connections, children are taught about the stories and people of the Bible. 


At Crossroads, we work to be a safe place where teens can openly talk about faith and life. We don’t want to be talking about sex any more than you do, but this is the season of life when those topics arise. When talking with teens, inevitably questions and thoughts about sex and relationships come up. As awkward as it may be, we feel that it is important for parents to be in these conversations at home with their teens too. We want to be a partner to you, as you engage in these conversations with your teen. 

As trusted adults and leaders in the life of these teenagers, we will respect students where they are for who they are. We love these teens regardless of how they see their sexual identity. 

Regardless of sexual identity, we want every teen to understand that sex is a sacred gift from God, meant to be enjoyed in the covenant of marriage and that sexual intimacy outside of marriage is not God’s ideal. Our goal is to help teens develop a Christian view of sex and marriage … but we’d rather just talk about Jesus and play dodgeball. 

If you have questions or would like to additional materials on the topic of Christianity and the LGBTQ community, please contact us below.

A note on the current status of same-sex marriage in the United Methodist Church.

While the current UMC Church Book of Order prevents Crossroad’s pastors from participating in same-sex marriages, that aspect of the Church Order will be reviewed and likely amended according to a vote at the 2024 General Conference of the UMC.